Lets roll back today and review one of the greatest books of all of human history.
That is not an over statement.
Be prepared to read this book...words of this book will ring like bullets flying around you. The author, in simple form, breaks the subconsciousness apart and step by step shows how men deceive and sabotage themselves. The reader will find himself over and over trapped with himself only because he is being "tsunameed" with truth.
As a man thinketh is one of those rare books that one can read over and over again and still learn something new each time. It is a book that is filled with quotes such as....
“Self-control is strength. Right thought is mastery. Calmness is power. ”
“To Desire is to Obtain to Aspire is to Achieve”
“As a man thinketh in his heart, so shall he be.”
"A wise man is a calm man, because he is wise, he is calm.
"Thought and character are one."
“Act is the blossom of thought; and joy and suffering are its fruits; thus does a man garner in the sweet and biter fruitage of his own husbandry”
"Circumstances are a fruition of one's thoughts."
A mandatory read.
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